Dr. Moonje Institute
of Management & Computer Studies, Nashik

What is the eligibility for admissions?

50% in graduation for Open category students
45% in graduation at Degree for reserved category candidates.

Is MBA available with Dual specialization?

YES- 1 Major + 1 Minor

Does the institute provide support for Internship projects?

YES – provides support

Will lectures be conducted regularly?

YES – lectures are conducted regularly.

Which specializations are offered?

MAJOR and MINOR specializations are offered.

MAJOR: Marketing Management, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics
MINOR: Rural & Agribusiness Management, Pharma & Healthcare Management, Tourism & Hospitality Management, International Business Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics.

Which companies visit our campus for placements? What was the highest and the average package offered last year?

Details available on our website in ‘Placement’ tab.

How does the Institute guide students aspiring to be entrepreneurs?

Guidance is provided by a formal Entrepreneurship Development Cell.

Are admissions available under Management / Institute level Quota?

No, Management quota and Institute level quota at all. The vacant seats are filled in by the Institute as per DTE and AICTE rules strictly.

Are scholarships available for MBA studies?

YES. All eligible candidates can apply for scholarships offered by Government of India /Government of Maharashtra.

Is Institute accredited?

YES, it has an accreditation by NAAC.

Are hostel facilities available and what is the procedure to avail the same?

YES, we provide hostel facilities. The student has to contact the Hostel office for details.

What is the fee structure?

The detailed fee structure for the academic year 2024-25.

Which are the documents required for MBA admissions?

Online CET score print; 2 passport size photos; 10th, 12th and Graduation Mark sheets (Graduation passing or degree certificate; leaving and migration certificate; Gap affidavit if applicable; caste certificate and validity if applicable; non-creamy layer if applicable; domicile certificate; income certificate for EWS category.)

Which are the different test scores valid?

MH CET, CMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, XAT and any other approved by the admission authority Government of Maharashtra.